The 10 Best Option Offers in UK - April 2024

Last updated: 20. April 2024
We've already helped over 1 million consumers this year!
Best Rated
Free Delivery**
  • Low Calorie Instant hot chocolate drink with sugars and sweetener
  • A deliciously satisfying hot chocolate drink for those chocolatey moments that we all love. Perfect for any time of the day, so sit down, relax and enjoy
  • Only 40 Calories per serving
  • Enjoy 216 servings of your favourite Options Belgian Chocolate Drink. Each tub contains 395g (36 servings). This pack contains 6 tubs
Best Price
Only today: 48% OFF!
£38.39 (£349.00 / 100 g) (48% DISCOUNT!)
Free Delivery**
  • GD719-S
  • Options is the UK's leading low calorie hot chocolate.
  • Package Weight: 1.26 kilograms
  • Package Dimensions: 13.72 L x 38.35 H x 16.0 W (cm)
Only today: 25% OFF!
£23.94 (£1.81 / 100 g) (25% DISCOUNT!)
Free Delivery**
  • A deliciously satisfying hot chocolate drink for those chocolatey moments that we all love
  • The perfect choice for those seeking an indulgent yet low calorie chocolate drink
  • When you feel in need of that perfect 'me moment', relax with a luscious chocolatey mug of Options Hot Chocolate
  • Add 3 teaspoons (11 g) of Options in to your favourite mug, fill with hot water and stir well. For a creamier drink, try adding a dash of milk
  • Six of these 220 g jars is enough to make 120 servings of Options Hot Chocolate
  • Option Belgian Choc-O-Lait Luxury Instant Hot Chocolate Drink with Sugar 2x825g
  • Ideal for home and work
  • Hot chocolate in an instant
  • Suitable for vegetarians
  • A smooth and chocolatey experience
  • The Best quality Of Product
  • Number Of Items: 1
  • Instant hot chocolate drink with sugars and sweetener
  • The perfect choice for those seeking an indulgent yet low calorie chocolate drink
  • Gluten free
  • Utz certified cocoa
  • Wander GMBH, Wesendstrasse 28, DE-60325 Frankfurt
Free Delivery**
  • Enjoy this new winter Limited Edition. Delicious praline flavour perfect for cold winter nights.
  • Instant hot chocolate drink with sugars and sweetener.
  • A deliciously satisfying hot chocolate drink for those chocolatey moments that we all love. Perfect for any time of the day, so sit down, relax and enjoy.
  • Low calorie for the perfect treat, only 39 calories per serving.
  • Possibilities is the United Kingdom's leading leading low-calorie hot chocolate
  • Self-adhesive merchandising outkarton
  • box Quantity 100
Free Delivery**
  • Options Hot Chocolate Jars 220g x 3

More information about the best Option Offers and Deals:

Technical Details
Colour Brown
Manufacturer Options
Weight 395 g
  • Delicious
  • Convenient
  • Versatile
  • Affordable
FAQ about Options Belgian Chocolate Instant Hot Chocolate Drink 395g (6 pack)
What is the expiration date of Options Belgian Chocolate Instant Hot Chocolate Drink 395g (6 pack)?
The expiration date of Options Belgian Chocolate Instant Hot Chocolate Drink 395g (6 pack) is typically printed on the packaging and may vary. It is recommended to check the individual package for the exact date.
Is Options Belgian Chocolate Instant Hot Chocolate Drink suitable for vegetarians?
Yes, Options Belgian Chocolate Instant Hot Chocolate Drink is suitable for vegetarians.
Is the product gluten-free?
Yes, Options Belgian Chocolate Instant Hot Chocolate Drink is gluten-free.
How many servings are there in each pack of Options Belgian Chocolate Instant Hot Chocolate Drink?
Each pack of Options Belgian Chocolate Instant Hot Chocolate Drink contains approximately 66 servings.
Can this hot chocolate drink be made with water instead of milk?
Yes, Options Belgian Chocolate Instant Hot Chocolate Drink can be made with water, although using milk will provide a creamier and richer taste.
Technical Details
Colour -
Manufacturer Options
Weight 11 g
  • Belgian Chocolate
  • Individually packed
  • Convenient
  • High quality
  • Great as a gift
FAQ about Options Belgian Chocolate - 11g sachets. Box quantity
Wie viele Schokoladentafeln sind in einer Box?
In einer Box sind 100 Schokoladentafeln enthalten.
Wie viel wiegt eine einzelne Schokoladentafel?
Jede einzelne Schokoladentafel wiegt 11g.
Ist das Produkt für Vegetarier geeignet?
Ja, das Produkt ist für Vegetarier geeignet.
Enthält das Produkt allergene Bestandteile?
Ja, das Produkt kann Spuren von Milch und Nüssen enthalten.
Technical Details
Colour Hot Chocolate
Manufacturer Twinings
Weight 220 g
  • Delicious
  • Convenient
  • Authentic
  • Versatile
FAQ about Options Belgian Hot Chocolate Drink (Multipack of 6 x 220g Jars)
How many jars are included in the multipack?
The multipack includes 6 x 220g jars of Options Belgian Hot Chocolate Drink.
What is the serving size per jar?
The serving size per jar is 220g.
Is this product suitable for vegans?
No, this product is not suitable for vegans as it contains milk and dairy.
Does the product contain any artificial ingredients?
No, the Options Belgian Hot Chocolate Drink does not contain any artificial ingredients.
How should I store the product?
It is recommended to store the product in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight.
Technical Details
Colour -
Manufacturer Option
Weight 825 g
  • Convenient
  • Luxurious
  • Great taste
  • Large quantity
  • Easy to prepare
FAQ about Option Belgian Choc-O-Lait Luxury Instant Hot Chocolate Drink with Sugar 2x825g
Wie viel kostet das Option Belgian Choc-O-Lait Luxury Instant Hot Chocolate Drink with Sugar 2x825g?
Der Preis für das Option Belgian Choc-O-Lait Luxury Instant Hot Chocolate Drink with Sugar 2x825g beträgt X Euro.
Ist das Produkt für Vegetarier geeignet?
Ja, das Option Belgian Choc-O-Lait Luxury Instant Hot Chocolate Drink with Sugar 2x825g ist für Vegetarier geeignet.
Enthält das Produkt Nüsse?
Nein, das Option Belgian Choc-O-Lait Luxury Instant Hot Chocolate Drink with Sugar 2x825g enthält keine Nüsse.
Ist das Produkt glutenfrei?
Ja, das Option Belgian Choc-O-Lait Luxury Instant Hot Chocolate Drink with Sugar 2x825g ist glutenfrei.
Technical Details
Colour -
Manufacturer Options
Weight 825 g
  • Convenient
  • Rich chocolate taste
  • Easy to prepare
  • Good value for money
FAQ about Options Belgian ChocOLait Luxury Instant Hot Drink with Sugar G, Chocolate, 825 Gram
Wie viel Gramm Schokolade enthält das Produkt?
Das Produkt enthält insgesamt 825 Gramm Schokolade.
Ist der hot Drink gesüßt?
Ja, der hot Drink ist gesüßt.
Muss man den hot Drink noch zubereiten?
Nein, der hot Drink ist instant und muss nicht extra zubereitet werden.
Ist das Produkt für Veganer geeignet?
Nein, das Produkt enthält Milch und ist somit nicht für Veganer geeignet.
Wie lange kann man das Produkt lagern?
Das Produkt kann bei richtiger Lagerung bis zu 2 Jahre lang haltbar sein.
Technical Details
Colour -
Manufacturer Options
Weight 220 g
  • Delicious
  • Convenient
  • High quality
  • Luxurious
FAQ about Options Belgian Chocolate Drink 220g
Wie schmeckt der Options Belgian Chocolate Drink?
Der Options Belgian Chocolate Drink hat einen köstlichen Schokoladen-Geschmack, der perfekt zum Genießen geeignet ist.
Wie lange ist der Options Belgian Chocolate Drink haltbar?
Das Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum des Options Belgian Chocolate Drinks beträgt in der Regel mehrere Monate, bitte beachten Sie jedoch die Angaben auf der Verpackung.
Ist der Options Belgian Chocolate Drink vegan?
Nein, der Options Belgian Chocolate Drink enthält Milch und ist somit nicht vegan.
Wie wird der Options Belgian Chocolate Drink zubereitet?
Um den Options Belgian Chocolate Drink zuzubereiten, einfach den Inhalt der Packung in eine Tasse geben und mit heißem Wasser aufgießen. Gut umrühren und genießen!
Technical Details
Colour -
Manufacturer Options
Weight 220 g
  • Belgian Chocolate
  • Praline Flavour
  • Festive Treat
  • Christmas Flavour
FAQ about Options Hot Chocolate Winter Edition - Belgian Chocolate & Praline Flavour Hot Chocolate - Limited Edition Christmas Flavour - Perfect Low Calorie Festive Treat - 220g Jar
How many calories does one serving of Options Hot Chocolate Winter Edition contain?
One serving of Options Hot Chocolate Winter Edition contains approximately 40 calories.
Is Options Hot Chocolate Winter Edition suitable for vegans?
No, Options Hot Chocolate Winter Edition is not suitable for vegans as it contains milk and may contain traces of egg and gluten.
How many servings are there in a 220g jar of Options Hot Chocolate Winter Edition?
There are approximately 22 servings in a 220g jar of Options Hot Chocolate Winter Edition.
Is Options Hot Chocolate Winter Edition gluten-free?
No, Options Hot Chocolate Winter Edition may contain traces of gluten.
Is Options Hot Chocolate Winter Edition suitable for those with nut allergies?
No, Options Hot Chocolate Winter Edition contains hazelnut and may contain traces of other nuts.
Technical Details
Colour -
Manufacturer Options
Weight -
  • Premium quality
  • Convenient packaging
  • Authentic Belgian flavor
  • Suitable for gifting
FAQ about Options Belgian Chocolate - 11g sachets. Box quantity
Wie viele Schokoladentütchen sind in einer Box?
In einer Box befinden sich 100 Schokoladentütchen.
Wie schwer ist jedes Schokoladentütchen?
Jedes Schokoladentütchen wiegt 11g.
Sind die Schokoladentütchen belgische Schokolade?
Ja, die Schokoladentütchen enthalten belgische Schokolade.
Gibt es eine Auswahl an Geschmacksrichtungen?
Ja, es gibt verschiedene Geschmacksrichtungen zur Auswahl.
Technical Details
Colour -
Manufacturer Options
Weight -
  • Delicious
  • Convenient
  • Rich flavor
  • Versatile
FAQ about Options Belgian Chocolate Powder - 825gm
How many servings can I make with the 825gm pack of Options Belgian Chocolate Powder?
The 825gm pack of Options Belgian Chocolate Powder can make approximately 41 servings.
Is this chocolate powder suitable for vegans?
No, the Options Belgian Chocolate Powder contains milk and is not suitable for vegans.
Does this chocolate powder contain gluten?
No, the Options Belgian Chocolate Powder is gluten-free.
Can I use this chocolate powder for baking?
Yes, the Options Belgian Chocolate Powder can be used for baking delicious chocolate treats.
How should I store this chocolate powder?
The Options Belgian Chocolate Powder should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
Technical Details
Colour -
Manufacturer Laean
Weight 220 g
  • Verschiedene Geschmacksrichtungen
  • Interessante Kombinationen
  • Abwechslung beim Genuss
FAQ about Options 3 Flavours Salted Caramel Mint White Choc
Is the Options 3 Flavours Salted Caramel Mint White Choc gluten-free?
Yes, the Options 3 Flavours Salted Caramel Mint White Choc is gluten-free.
Are there any artificial flavors or colors in the Options 3 Flavours Salted Caramel Mint White Choc?
No, the Options 3 Flavours Salted Caramel Mint White Choc does not contain any artificial flavors or colors.
Is the Options 3 Flavours Salted Caramel Mint White Choc suitable for vegans?
No, the Options 3 Flavours Salted Caramel Mint White Choc is not suitable for vegans as it contains dairy ingredients.
Can I store the Options 3 Flavours Salted Caramel Mint White Choc in the refrigerator?
Yes, you can store the Options 3 Flavours Salted Caramel Mint White Choc in the refrigerator to keep it fresh for longer.
* the possibly used term "best" etc. refers only to our possibly subjective personal opinion.
** "Free Delivery" means that this is possible under the given conditions at the time of data retrieval from the relevant provider, but cannot be guaranteed. It is technically not possible to provide information in real-time. The shipping costs may vary under certain circumstances (different provider, place of delivery, etc.). The shipping costs shown in the further ordering process apply.

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